Look and feel younger with safe, easy treatments

Why Botox?

Tired of unsightly wrinkles that form when you make facial expressions? These wrinkles make your skin look thin and weathered. Worse yet, they could become permanent on a resting face, blemishing your appearance indefinitely. Fortunately, The Nu Me MD can help. In our clean, peaceful, private studio, our licensed physician Dr. Gary Salovon strategically utilizes Botox for smoother, softer skin that’s easy to maintain. Trust the experienced, licensed professionals at The Nu Me MD for a more youthful, happier you.

Simple. Safe. Effective.


How does Botox work?

It prevents muscle contractions around the injection site, keeping the overlying skin steady and softening, reducing, or even removing dynamic wrinkles. It is not used to treat wrinkles on a resting face.

What precautions should be taken?

Avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and blood thinners. You will receive full pre- and post-care treatment instructions from The Nu Me MD.

Is it safe?

YES. Botox is an FDA-approved treatment with a long safety record on millions of patients.

Can it treat things besides wrinkles?

Botox can treat several issues besides dynamic wrinkles. It can subtly lift the corners of your mouth and your eyebrows. It can treat migraines, bruxism (jaw clenching/teeth grinding), and excessive sweating.

Is it painful?

Injections are generally rated at 1 or 2 on a pain scale of 10.

Our subtle approach gives you a naturally rejuvenated look, without appearing as though you’ve “had work done.”